Joint Seed Funding Platform

Welcome to the University of Geneva Joint Seed Funding platform

As part of its internationalization strategy, starting in 2013 the University of Geneva has established a handful of strategic partnership with a selection of universities equally active in research and international scientific collaborations. There are eight bilateral partnerships and two networks of strategic cooperation. These alliances are the fruits of long-standing academic partnerships, including student and staff exchanges as well as less formalized collaborative activities (joint colloquia, publications and research).

Generally, each strategic partnership is supported by a joint funding scheme for inciting new collaborative initiatives and reinforcing existing ones in research and teaching.

This platform provides online application and evaluation tools for Joint Seed Funding schemes set up by the University of Geneva International Relations and Partnerships Office with its strategic partner universities.

Below you will find more information regarding each partnership, the calls for proposals and the funded projects (categorized by the year of launch and searchable by keywords and tags).

For University of Geneva participants: application procedure and general rules regarding grant usage.
Activity reports of a selection of projects financed throughout the years by the joint seed funding schemes.
Some statistics around the University of Geneva strategic partnerships, joint grants, funded projects and participants.
Alliance Campus Rhodanien

L’Alliance Campus Rhodanien (ACR), créée en 2017, regroupe les universités de Genève, Grenoble Alpes, Lausanne, Lyon, Savoie Mont Blanc et la Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (partenaire jusqu’en juin 2024). Ce réseau vise à renforcer les synergies scientifiques et académiques entre ces institutions géographiquement proches en encourageant des collaborations spécifiques basées sur leurs complémentarités et le partage de leurs compétences et infrastructures. Il a également pour objectif d'intensifier et de promouvoir la recherche scientifique dans cet espace d'innovation au rayonnement international ainsi que de créer un effet de levier pour consolider et amplifier la participation des chercheur·euse·s aux programmes de financements nationaux et européens.

C’est à cette fin qu’a été créé un fonds destiné à octroyer des crédits d'impulsion pour des projets de collaboration entre les partenaires de l’ACR. Ce fonds commun est l’un des principaux vecteurs de développement de coopération au sein de l’Alliance. Il est financé par chacun de ses membres et chaque institution supporte les dépenses de ses équipes.

Yonsei University
The strategic partnership between the University of Geneva and Yonsei University was signed in 2013 for reinforcing academic links, including teaching, research and other joint initiatives. The two institutions have been collaborating and exchanging students regularly since 2007. The main tool of the strategic partnership is the UNIGE-Yonsei Joint Seed Funding Scheme aimed at promoting joint initiatives and collaborative activities.
G3 de la Francophonie

Créé en 2012, à Bruxelles, le G3 est un regroupement de trois universités francophones généralistes de premier plan : l’Université de Montréal, l’Université libre de Bruxelles et l'Université de Genève. Ces universités sont unies par une communauté d’intérêts et d’objectifs dans les domaines de l’enseignement, de la recherche et des services à la société. Le G3 vise la création de modèles novateurs de collaboration en matière de formation, d’enseignement et de recherche, afin de développer un partenariat à nul autre pareil dans la Francophonie et permettre aux membres de devenir des universités francophones de référence, partout dans le monde. Depuis sa création, le G3 a financé 40 projets dans de nombreux domaines.

No ongoing calls at the moment
University of Zurich
The University of Zurich and the University of Geneva signed a strategic partnership agreement first in December 2017. This new partnership joins the two largest universities in the German- and French-speaking parts of Switzerland that already maintain close relationships in research, student exchange and the executive boards. The strategic partnerships aims to formalize and deepen these ties with a number of jointly funded programs, including Seed Funding grants for research, student and staff mobility, joint summer schools and public events. Find out more about the large range of activities on the partnership's separate website.
No ongoing calls at the moment
University of Exeter
On 15 October 2019, the University of Geneva and the University of Exeter signed an MoU agreeing to provide Joint Seed Funding Grants to projects in an aim to increase research and teaching collaboration between the two universities. This new partnership joins two universities that are highly active in research on a national and international level. Both the United Kingdom and Switzerland are among the top receivers of European Horizon 2020 research grants. The future relationship of both countries with the European Union being uncertain, the deepening of this strategic relationship becomes even more significant for the years to come.
No ongoing calls at the moment
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The University of Geneva and Hebrew University of Jerusalem established a strategic partnership in aimed at reinforcing links in all academic areas, including teaching, research and other joint initiatives. A central tool of this partnership is the UNIGE-HUJI Joint Seed Funding Scheme for supporting joint initiatives between faculty members in both institutions
No ongoing calls at the moment
University of Sydney
The University of Geneva and the University of Sydney established their strategic partnership in 2014 for further reinforcing academic links through collaborations in teaching, research and other joint initiatives. A main tool of this partnership are the Partnership Collaboration Awards (PCA). This scheme provides seed funding for joint initiatives between faculty members in both institutions from 2013 onwards, through a competitive call for projects on an annual basis.
No ongoing calls at the moment
Princeton University
In the framework of their internationalization, the University of Geneva and Princeton University have established a a strategic partnership in 2013 aimed at reinforcing academic cooperation through joint initiatives in teaching and research. A central tool of this partnership is the UNIGE-Princeton Collaborative Research Grant through which 18 projects have been funded.
No ongoing calls at the moment
Renmin University of China
In their efforts to encourage new international collaborations and reinforce existing ones in research and teaching, the University of Geneva and Renmin University of China have established a Joint Seed Funding scheme in 2015 for members of the two institutions. Three calls for projects have been launched since then and 6 projects have been funded, each spanning up to 3 years or more.
No ongoing calls at the moment
Keio University
In the framework of their internationalization strategy, the University of Geneva and Keio University have established a Joint Seed Funding scheme in 2016 aimed at reinforcing academic links. The two universities have been partners from 2008 and regularly exchange students both bilaterally and through the 3-Campus East Asia Programme launched by Keio Univeristy, Yonsei University and the University of Hong Kong.
No ongoing calls at the moment